Dear Bed and Slumber
Dear Bed and Slumber,
I miss you. As I hurry through my day, I often think longingly of our time together and wish I could find a way to spend more time in your embrace. I think about when I was younger, when I wasn't driven by responsibility and obligations. A time when I could succumb to your call. We spent so much time together before these little people took over my life. I remember living in England, returning home from work and falling into you, pulling the duvet high over my shoulders and releasing the stress of the day to Slumber, waking hours later to eat and spend the evening in quiet. I remember weekends when my husband and I owned our first home, when we would sneak away in the afternoons to snuggle up like spoons and sleep the afternoon away, awaking refreshed and ready to take on our evening's activities at the pub.
Our time together is few and far between these days. Afternoon naps are rare and even when the opportunity presents itself, my ear must remain alert to stirrings and sounds throughout the house. Nighttime isn't even a sure bet anymore. My mind works overtime to process the day and the rumble beside me often keeps me awake and frustrated, forcing me out of your grasp to a cold and uncomfortable couch to find sleep. Invariably the nights are broken with a late night visitor looking for company in the bathroom or to be tucked in after a bad dream. The mornings arrive quickly and I struggle to remove your warmth to take on another day. My body screams for more time, but the voices and faces beside my bed are louder and more persistent. Little ones are not to be ignored.
And so I thought it important to write to you. To let you know that our time is not forgotten. I long for our reaquaintance but I know that life will keep us from my desired state.
Forever yours.
Labels: Deep thoughts on parenting
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