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Wow - a whole month has passed without some quiet time musings. Where does time go? I guess a trip out of town throws your whole routine out of whack. I can't believe it is now November, that snow is starting to fall, that my son is finally walking (19 months!) and that Christmas is around the corner.
Things are pretty good these days. The fall routine is working well with playdates and playgroups. We manage to find things to keep us busy every day and on days when nothing is planned, it doesn't take long before my daughter asks "where are we going today mommy?" home time is definitely out of the question.
With November comes grey skies where I live, so some days my mood is low and irritable children make my mood worse, but what can you do. I've found an outlet to volunteer and get involved with some "adult activities" which is nice, but of course adds another layer of things to do and stress to my busy days. My exercise and eating regime has fallen completely off and I'm finding it hard to get back on track. I'm demotivated by my husband who is also not the most healthy eater - my problem is sweets, his problem is I persist with my vices.
Exciting days ahead this weekend though - a girls retreat with two of my closest pals from the big city. We're meeting somewhere in the middle for a weekend away. I'm looking forward to sleeping, eating and of course a visit to the spa and 48+ hours of time away from it all. I love my family, but sometimes a girl needs a break. I'm even looking forward to the 4 hour drive there and back - time to listen to my favorite tunes and not have to play mommy. I'm hoping to come back refreshed and ready to take on the task that is Christmas. It will be a big one this year as my daughter is now 3.5 and fully engaged in the Santa thing....we've been hearing for months already what she wants from Santa. It's been a good time to introduce the fact that Santa only brings ONE present for each boy and girl. It's hard to not get excited myself though. There are so many things that I would love to buy for both my kids, because ultimately I love making them happy.
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