Thursday Thirteen - 13 things I love about my husband
In celebration of our 7th wedding anniversary this weekend, I thought I should focus my energy on all the things I love about my husband. It's been a crazy 7 years. He's still the love of my life!
The list is longer than 13, but here's some highlights!
1. He's got an English accent. I may not hear it as much anymore, but is sure is cute when I do catch wind of an especially "English" sounding word.
2. He rubs my feet almost every time I ask.
3. He lets me sleep in more often than not. When we used to have to get up around the same time for work he always used to let me have the second shower because he said I was a better person for the extra 10 minutes.
4. He cleans the dog run and takes out the garbage.
5. He is patient....oh so patient, in so many different ways.
6. He lets me pack up our kids on a whim to hit the road when the mood strikes me. He's happy to let us trek across the mountains when I feel the need for some big city friend time and retail therapy.
7. Better yet, while we're gone, he cleans the house!
8. The best thing is that he cooks and cooks well. My health really would suffer if he didn't do some cooking every week.
9. He recently let me buy very expensive sunglasses. I don't ask for much in the way of shopping, but when I do, he's always happy to let me spend.
10. He has a great farmer's tan. His left arm is especially tanned from driving around in his car all summer!
11. He loves my family and all their craziness.
12. He calls to ask if I want a slurpee on the way home from work....always thinking of me and my stress levels.
13. He has the greatest laugh when you really get him laughing. If you've heard it, you know the one I'm talking about.
Labels: Husband, Things about me
Ahhh, you had me at "English accent" -- I LOVE ACCENTS! Sexay.... ;)
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