Quiet Time Musings

A place for my thoughts of the day while the children sleep.

Friday, October 19, 2007

(Belated) Thursday Thirteen: 13 ways I feel like a good mother

Two little kids sure can challenge you and there's lots of days I wonder how my "good mother" report card would measure up. Here's a list of 13 ways I actually feel like a good mother.

1. When Baby Girl wants to snuggle into my bed and sleep with me when my husband is away for work.

2. When I whisper I love you to Baby Girl when she's asleep and she says I love you back.

3. When my kids say please or thank you without prompting.

4. When my kids ask for more vegetables or express their preference for broccoli or red pepper.

5. When my kids ask for another story to be read to them or spend tons of time just sitting looking at their books.

6. When my kids say "I missed you Mama" after their day at daycare.

7. When my kids come up to me and just say "I wanna snuggle you Mama" - even when I know they're just playing me for something.

8. When I can turn their frown into a smile, or even better a laugh.

9. When we dance around the kitchen, laughing.

10. When my kids share with other kids, without being asked.

11. When my kids help me make fresh banana muffins.

12. When I find a new activity to do with my kids that they enjoy, like painting or riding their bikes.

13. When my kids seem really grateful for something I've done for them - even if it's gotten them a new movie to watch or a new toy.



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