Quiet and peaceful living
It is quiet and peaceful here today. The day started slowly and leisurely. Some cartoons for the kids while Mama stayed in bed for an extra hour. What a treat! Poor Papa had to get up and go to work....but such is his role in this family. Our morning has included a long and leisurely breakfast and now the kids are happily playing together downstairs - reading books, moving toys around as they go on their adventures - while I look at my favorite blogs and tidy up the kitchen. It amazes me how well Baby Girl and Baby Boy can play together, when they want to. They're such good friends really. It warms my heart.
I'm actually feeling kind of lonely today. When I started up my main email this morning, I was greeted with No Messages. After months of watching the new messages scroll in with things to action or take care of, I feel a loss of direction with no messages to attend to. What a joy then to find a comment waiting for me on my blog email.....there are people out there!
I'm trying to shift back into this quieter life. I know my family will thank me for it. I know my health will thank me for it. But a part of me feels less important now. Time to find something new to put some energy into, something that feels good, maybe creative.
I love that time in the mornings, when the day still stretches ahead, and there's time to sip coffee and read blogs. I hope I never take that time for granted.
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