Two Strikes
Today I have been the mother than other mothers compare themselves against and feel better about themselves. I'm tired and my defenses are down at the moment. I'm battling yet another sore throat / cough (side note - I've finally made an appointment to see an ENT next month), I'm not sleeping well (cough, snoring husband, pacing dog) and I'm trying to motivate myself to get out and exercise, with all attempts leading back to some form of chocolate.
Anyways, my day started early. Baby Girl found me sleeping on the couch at 6.30am after another restless night of sleep. I was desperate to catch some more zzz's so after several failed attempts to get her to stay in her room and play quietly for another hour, and the subsequent waking of Baby Boy, I asked her to bring me the clicker to show her how to turn on the TV for some morning Treehouse. My girlfriend phoned at 8.30am and said "it sounds like you're still in bed" to which I answered "I am, but I'm awake". Our conversation of course led to her asking how I manage to stay in bed so long with a 4 and 2 year old running around the house, to which I answered that they were watching TV. Strike One.
After my lazy start to the morning, I finally get the kids organized and Baby Girl off to daycare (45 minutes late, but just in time for snack....a very important part of the day for her). I pick up some snacks in town for Baby Boy and me and head down to the beach to meet the same friend I talked to earlier and another friend. My snack shopping included a dark chocolate and pear brioche (yum!) from the french bakery in town and as I bought it, I tried to figure out how I was going to manage to eat it myself without having to share it with Baby Boy. It had hazelnuts in it and I'm still a bit leery of nuts for him. My solution......during our next stop at Safeway, I bought him a honey glazed donut to eat. So down to the beach we go and of course he starts asking for his donut. As he's sat on our blanket munching away, my friends smile and proceed to pull out their kids' snacks - avocado and cucumber. Strike Two. (Side note - I did have a very healthy lunch packed - boiled egg, crackers, nectarine, in the event we stayed at the park long enough to eat lunch.)
Not a particularly great start to today, but right now it doesn't bother me. Some days are doing what it takes to get through the day and both of my strikes made for happy children. We're told to pick our battles as parents and today I just wasn't up for a pestering preschooler at the beginning of the day or a tantruming toddler. I promise to try harder another day.
Labels: Kids
If a bit of TV in the morning and a donut makes one a bad mother, I'm in big trouble.
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