Wow - November. Has it really been that long since I blogged? My new addiction is Facebook - like so many others I know and my words have been falling to the Notes of Facebook instead of on a blog. It's felt good to get my fingers back on the keyboard, typing away the random thoughts of a 30-something, mother of two, looking for an outlet. So I've recaptured my Blogger account, decided to stay with my Quiet Time Musings and made a commitment to myself to write something down more often. The stories in my head are bubbling around and are aching to be heard. So here's random thoughts...
Things about my kids that confirms they are mine.
Baby Girl
1. She loves movies. I tried so hard at the beginning to keep her from watching lots of TV and she was doing great until Fraser arrived. Slowly over time her tastes have evolved from kids shows to kids movies. She LOVES them and can watch them over and over again. I should have known. I can't get enough of movies either.
2. She has a terrible sense of dress sense. I've never been known for my cutting edge fashion sense and Baby Girl is no different. She is more than happy to create a mis-matched ensemble of clothing for herself every day. Doesn't really bother me - as long as she's happy!
3. She loves to dance. Ever since she saw 'Happy Feet', the movie this winter, Baby Girl has caught dancing fever. She proudly shows off her happy feet dance to anyone who will watch. She's recently picked up some Hawaiian dance moves from watching "Lilo and Stitch" that she's incorporated into her dance act. Just think how she'll react one day when I tell her that I too was an avid dancer in my younger years, gracing the speakers of Whistler nightclubs.
Baby Boy
1. He loves his bed. When you tuck him in at night, he snuggles right down into his pillow, grabs his blanket and pulls it up to his neck and snuggles in for the night.
2. He loves chocolate. Baby Girl loves sweets too, but Baby Boy is especially unsatiable when it comes to chocolate. He asks for it at home. He runs to it at the store. Given the choice at Dairy Queen between a strawberry and chocolate sundae - he ALWAYS chooses chocolate.
3. He has a killer pout. In the last month or so, he's learned to stick his bottom lip out, drop his chin and hunch is shoulders in the biggest pout I've ever seen. According to sources (his Grandma Lady) he's just like I was when I was little. I wish I had matching pictures to prove it.